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Propaganda 2.0

Propaganda 2.0 “In an era of post-truth politics, driven by the 24-hour news cycle, diminishing trust in institutions, rich visual media, and the ubiquity and velocity of social networked spaces, how do we identify information that is tinted — information that is incomplete, that may help affirm our existing beliefs or support someone’s agenda, or that may be manipulative — effectively driving a form of propaganda?” ( Lotan, Gilad . 2016.) Over 70 years ago, Karl Polanyi established the term “double movement” Reviewing the most recent developments, politically, economically and socially, one may understand the value of his vision and why his ideas have been increasingly discussed lately. Propaganda 2.0 — Post-truth politics The Definition of Post-truth politics Adjective: “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief,” Why post-truth rhetoric is propaganda ...